You know it's a bad headwind when you have to pedal to go downhill.

Monday, February 16, 2009

You know what would be reeeaaally nice? Spring.

Friday, February 6, 2009

For whoever still checks the blog every once in a while, here's an update followed with a proposition. OOOYA!

Not a whole lot is happening here in Minneapolis. That's not a bad thing though. While I sorta kill time until late march(when the next big adventure starts), I get to slowly pick away at a few projects that have been stewing in my cranium for a while now.

I'm completely revamping the Motobecane folding bike, building a rear wheel with a three speed hub like the original bike had, getting tires that aren't riping at the seams, and getting the frame repainted by a pro. It should be a reliable bike now (for a change!), a nice semi-collapsible ride that will most likely be my steel steed in Europe.

A bike trailer is another project. I think it will a single wheel type, like the B.O.B Yak trailer(there's a link), except mine will be a little longer, wider, less pretty, and if all goes well, will cost about 10 bucks.

The proposition:
I am hoping to go on several short, 2-3 day bike camping trip this summer. Bike out to a campground, spend the night or maybe two, then return to the cities. I would love for people, anybody really, to join me on these little sojourns. Part of the idea of the short trip length would be to enable friends of different cycling experience to come along. These will be short enough distances that even your ancient single speed, coaster-brake cruiser will get you there. Here's where the trailer comes in. Most people don't have the saddle bags/panniers for touring, and biking with a backpack is not really that great. So . . . throw all your junk on the trailer! Food, drink, clothes, sleeping bags, whatever! I think it will be fun folks. People interested?

I participated in a little ice race last weekend, and had a blast. I may have gotten third in my heat. I say 'may' because I thought I was, like, fifth, but the website, like, totally says I was, like, third. Who knows? Anyhoo, it was a whole big bundle of fun. My folks took a couple pictures, and I threw um up for ya.