You know it's a bad headwind when you have to pedal to go downhill.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Went to the Vatican yesterday, and took a few pictures. Most of it was indoors though, so there aren't a lot of pics. I also took a nice little bike bike ride in the big park in Rome, and there are a few pics from that as well.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We went on a tour of some of the old stuff today. I didn't end up taking all that many pictures, but here are a few. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm in Rome! Italy! I'm not going to write too much tonight, as I'm osrta running on not very much sleep. It's 8:30 here, and I just got back with the fam from dinner. I hadn't had areal meal since Tuesday, so a real meal, (in this case an excellent real meal) was much appreciated by mind and body. Explored the city a bit today on foot, intend to do more tomorrow, perhaps a bit by bicycle. The bike, by the way, made it just fine (i brought my trusty folding bike in a box). The fender took a prety big hit somewhere along the way, but better that than a wheel (or somethiung else important) getting wacked. Anyway, the bike will be a sort of secondary thing for a while, at least while we're in Rome. I'm so tired. Good night yall. spread the word; the blog is back. Thanks for reading.