You know it's a bad headwind when you have to pedal to go downhill.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Okay, so now that I am on a computer that doesn't cost 2€ every half hour for me to use, I have time to upload more and actually write a bit. The cityscape in the previous post was Venice, It's a picture from a couple weeks ago. On to these pictures. the top one is just a beautiful tree lined two lane highway that I biked down today. The trees are much bigger than they look; think taller than the really big elms in Minneapolis. The second picture is my beater bicycle one a bridge over the Loire, in front of some Little town whose name I can't recall. The Loire is a beautiful river, and the surrounding land is fantastic in it's diversity. There are pastures with cows and sheep, fields of vegetables, vineyards of course, and then there are the caves. The caves are from when they quarried the limestone for all the castles in the region. Peasants then lived in them, and most of them now are used for maturing wine or growing mushrooms. they might also be used for cheese making, but I'm not sure. One top of all this, there is also plenty of woods. The whole Loire Valley is a great patchwork of fields and towns and hamlets and woods and marshlands.
The Third and fourth pictures are from Mont St. Michel, in Normandy. I was in Normandy from the 12th to the 18th, biking from Caen to the D-Day beaches, to Mont St Michel. It's a wonderful area, just rather rainy. That last picture is from Point Du Hoc in Normandy, a famous site in the D-Day history. The picture is of a German gun emplacement bunker.


Amelia said...

the 4th photo down of the castle is absolutely stunning! you're on a very jealous worthy trip. are you able to somehow camp/stay in a castle? that would top the badass charts.

Anonymous said...

I know that you can stay on Mont St. Michel in hotels, and i've heard from my landscape architecture prof. that if you end up staying into the evening the people there are nice enough you can find a place to stay. And did you know they're going to take out the road that leads out to it? Soon you'll have to boat out.

Leo Alex Heegaard-LeGros said...

Amelia- I will no tbe staying in any castles, as they are usually ubert fabcy, uber expensive hotels. I have slept with them in sight though! That photo of Mont St Michel that you like was taken right from my freelance camp spot, about three feet from my tent, in the morning.

Leo Alex Heegaard-LeGros said...

Nick Ray- I had heard that too, maybe from you! I ended up camping out though, wich was still nice. the freelance camping is a piece of cake out here!

To both of you commenters; how is life at Evergreen? How is life at Madison?

Amelia said...

well that's much cooler than most views. life here is rainy and they're 5 weeks left in the quarter. although everything is starting to bloom (so even more green). I'm trying to organize a day trip to mt. rainer! Minnesota seems so incredibly flat now.