You know it's a bad headwind when you have to pedal to go downhill.

Monday, April 27, 2009

This computer will not accept my camera for some reason, so no pictures. Je suis desolee.

I am in Bourges. Later today I will be heading south to Provence via train. I have been having a great time, although the last few days have been rainy and cold. My picnic lunches have ben excellent; goat cheese from the region, wine from the region, and fresh bread from the gazzilion bakeries. All that, supplemented by ocasional additions, like duck patte, marinated mushrooms from a deli, and of course, fresh pastries. I should get to the train station, bu tnext time I can get on acomputer I'll get some pictures up! Thanks for reading!


taylor Dzierzak said...

Sounds like your living the life. My awesome day of football in the rain feels a lot less cool. Glad your enjoying Europe and are eating your way across the country. So not to really bring it up, but when do you come home?

Leo Alex Heegaard-LeGros said...

Dude, I will be back on may fourth! thats coming up fast! When does your school end? Is it already over for you?

taylor Dzierzak said...

I get home may 9. tomorrow is my last day of class. then finals mon and thurs. we have a lot to talk about. I want to hear all about europe and i have a story or two of my own. well enjoy the rest of the trip and eat as much food as you can.

Anonymous said...

man all this adventuring is just lovin it. Thanks for keepin us updated man!! :) So are you back now?? If so, for how long? If not, then when will you be back again??

We gotta find time to hang soon bro!! ...not that i miss hangin out with you or nuthin tho. Plus its summertime and you know what that nights in your backyard!!! Dont worry, you are cordially invited.

Leo Alex Heegaard-LeGros said...

Alf! Dude, there will be a backyard movie projecto fantastagram soon. someone who does the facebook thing shoul figure out a date when a bunch of folks could attend.